Person tracking no longer working

what are the attributes of the person entity saying is the source for the location?

Does the person have the correct lat/long?

The device tracker Rowes_S20 (my girlfriends phone) shows the lat/long of the location she was in late last year:

and the geo-location from the same phone shows our home address roughly 30kms away:

have you tried sending the location update notification update request to her phone?

Check your sensor settings on the mobile app. They should show an accurate location as it uses gps as well as cell towers. Maybe you have something turned off by mistake? I had an issue last year where I had to uninstall then reinstall the mobile app to get it to work properly. It is strange that both phones happened at the same time.

Yep. I think maybe that is just updating the geo-location, not the device_tracker entity

Well, except for un-installing and re-installing the mobile app from the phone and HA as suggested above I’m at a loss.

Maybe before using the nuclear option you can try to remove the app cache data first. You’ll have to log back in and all that afterward.

I’ll give it a try and report back later. Time to call it quits for tonight. Thanks for your help so far

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Since it happened to both phones at the same time, it seems like a setting either in the phone’s OS or the mobile app was changed. Since location is not updating it seems like a permissions setting.

I know you don’t get much luck with Discord, but in #androidi there are great support people there that address the mobile app only and I believe they can point you to the settings that you need to change.

…but location is updating. The geo-located position is perfect. The issue is with the ‘Person’ entity in HA.

I did that and even deleted / reinstalled the app but I get the same result. I’m apparently in two places at once. ‘D’ is the Person entity and ‘DGL’ is my (actual) geo-located position.


The same is true for my girlfriends phone where her Person entity is in the city (from last year) and the geo-location is at home (actual position).

I just started noticing these second circles with the three letters for some of our family members and they never match the main device.

I don’t remember seeing them in the past.

There is a setting for person that sets the device for each person. You can have multiple devices. I.e. tablet, pc, phone, etc. This can confuse the tracker.

See my screenshots above, only one tracked device per Person, which is the phone that is providing the correct geo-location.

What does your person.xxxx show in developers tools?



Thanks for this. When I deleted and re-installed the app on my phone all of the sensors had been defaulted and location was off. Now I’ve gone through and set all the permissions and sensors up again it seems to be working correctly on my phone, next to try with my girlfriends. Since they both started with this issue late last year I’m wondering if it was an Android OS update on both our phones that defaulted location services off. When I looked previously I may have only checked the app config rather than the permissions.

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It is crazy the amount of time we spend chasing stuff that was working and just stops for no reason (that we are aware of). Glad it is working again.