Personal Alexa Skill Delay

Does anyone else experience delays of like 3-5 seconds between alexa beginning to process your request to the action being performed in Home Assistant? I don’t use Nabu Casa’s Alexa Skill. I run my own in my own Lambda. Notably I also use AWS VPC networking to link my private network to the Lambda, I do not expose my HA to the internet. So I’ve always wondered why Alexa takes so long to respond, whether it comes from “cold starting” my Lambda since I’m the only user, or if it comes from having to initiate an IP agent just for sending data onto my network. Round trip time between my HA server and other VMs in the same AWS region is about 124ms average. Not great but not terrible.

Subsequent requests within a few minutes are about as fast as any Alexa Skill, but I can’t tell if that is because the IP connection has remained up, or the Lambda has remained loaded.