My example shows all attributes which I can see in dev tools. Because of that my question. There are no more tons of other attributes (and even this would then not a technical reason but only the assumption/hope that anything else would change). Therefor my question which attribute of e.g. would change and trigger 100%?
I don’t care about the usecase, Nor pushing it back. Don’t have a clue why a technical question to understand background is pushed in this direction now.
I only want to understand it, why it is technically the case that it is 100% triggering without the forecast-attribute-upate (if state and the other attributes in my example stay as before). If you are sure, why it is not possible to explain it?
If the answer is: No not 100%, but only in assumption that everything else will >95% change at least in between and therefor trigger, completely fine, but then the ultimateness in the answers above that it will trigger by design and not only by hope is perhaps not right from a programming point of view.