Dear All,
I run a Home Assistant 0.75.2 on Hassio platform (supervisor version 123 HassOS 1.9) with Raspy 3B. Great product !!!
I have sucesfully install the Grafana Add-On and I have created some panels with no trouble.
When I try to share a panel in PNG format I have this error:
lvl=eror msg="executable not found" logger=rendering executable=/usr/share/grafana/tools/phantomjs/phantomjs
lvl=eror msg="Rendering failed - PhantomJS isn't included in arm build per default" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error="PhantomJS executable not found"
Looking with google I understood that there are some issue on PanthomJS with Docker and Alpine Linux (Hassio System).
Is there a way to install PanthomJS component on Hassio with manual action or using add-on Hassio facility?
Many thanks in advance