Philips Hue Bridge api requests throttling

I have some performance issues with repeated requests to hue bridge and I have a suspicion that hass might be sending excess data (hue when I change only brightness for example) which according to performance page might significantly decrease bridge performance. How do I check this?

Here’s how I set brightness:

- service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.living_room
    transition: '0'
    brightness: {{ template }}
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So I ended up sniffing traffic with tcpdump. Although changing one parameter (like brightness) doesn’t send any excess color parameters, it always sends "on": true which I guess is expected from light.turn_on service but it also cuts bridge performance by half. Is there a way to set brightness without sending turn on command (for already turned on lights of course)?

It also sends "alert": "none", "effect": "none" with each request, does anyone know if this will impact the performance? According to the docs the bridge should forward all state changes to its zigbee network even if it knows that the lamp should already be in that state, so technically it should impact the performance too.

I have also notice slow performance when setting a bunch of lights at a time, e.g. when using a (HA) scene. It can take up to 10 seconds for the last lights in the list to respond. According to the docs you linked, sending “on” when it isn’t needed has a huge performance impact. It mentions a throughput of only 2 commands per second instead of 25!