Hello everyone,
I just og myself a Philips Hue Dial Tap. Unlike the Philips Hue Dimmer remote, this one works with Zigbee Scenes:
Example output on a button press:
ZB dial tap Recall event was fired with parameters: {‘group_id’: 0xA6EA, ‘scene_id’: 1, ‘transition_time’: None}
It has also created a Zigbee group. I understand that it is able to use automations and scripts to create actions based on the group and scene ID, but that’s not what I am looking for. I want the remote to work totally offline using touchlink, by binding them also to a lightbulb (or multiple). But when I bind the remote with ZHA, the turnable ring does work, but it does so for all binded devices. I want to use button one to toggle one light, and button two to toggle another light and so on. I understand that I will need to write the group and scenes to my light bulbs, but this is where it goes wrong: I cannot manage to make this work. Tried it with the ZHA command, like:
service: zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command
cluster_type: in
ieee: 00:17:88:01:04:0c:c3:bc
endpoint_id: 1
cluster_id: 5
command: 4
command_type: server
- 42730
- 0x01
This will give me an error. I also tried it with the ZHA Toolit like explained in the docs on Github, but that didn’t work either.
Tried it on a Philips Hue bulb, and on an Ikea spot.
Anyone knows how to correctly add the group / scene from my Hue Dial tap to a lightbulb, with the on/off cluster (action toggle) ?