Philips Hue Dial TAP remote ZHA scene binding

Hello everyone,

I just og myself a Philips Hue Dial Tap. Unlike the Philips Hue Dimmer remote, this one works with Zigbee Scenes:

Example output on a button press:

ZB dial tap Recall event was fired with parameters: {‘group_id’: 0xA6EA, ‘scene_id’: 1, ‘transition_time’: None}

It has also created a Zigbee group. I understand that it is able to use automations and scripts to create actions based on the group and scene ID, but that’s not what I am looking for. I want the remote to work totally offline using touchlink, by binding them also to a lightbulb (or multiple). But when I bind the remote with ZHA, the turnable ring does work, but it does so for all binded devices. I want to use button one to toggle one light, and button two to toggle another light and so on. I understand that I will need to write the group and scenes to my light bulbs, but this is where it goes wrong: I cannot manage to make this work. Tried it with the ZHA command, like:

service: zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command
cluster_type: in
ieee: 00:17:88:01:04:0c:c3:bc
endpoint_id: 1
cluster_id: 5
command: 4
command_type: server

  • 42730
  • 0x01

This will give me an error. I also tried it with the ZHA Toolit like explained in the docs on Github, but that didn’t work either.

Tried it on a Philips Hue bulb, and on an Ikea spot.

Anyone knows how to correctly add the group / scene from my Hue Dial tap to a lightbulb, with the on/off cluster (action toggle) ?

Also would appreciate this. Don’t want to shift to Z2M

Hi Mark,

Do you think this will be working with Z2M then? It’s about learning a bulb the scene ID and the parameters above, after this is done, the coordinator is not used anymore to controll the lights, when using the remote / Dial tap.

I’ve got this working with an Ikea Rodrett (and also the Philips Hue dimmer remote), but that one is only using the group ID, and not the SceneID.

The Dial tap has 1 goup id for the device, and uses scene id’s for each button.

I switched to Z2M and im still learning. I have a few tap dials working using that publicly available blueprint which includes the creation of 2 helpers (count and last pressed)

Yes it will work like that, but not directly to the bulb. My goal here is to keep the Dial tap working, even when Home assistant fails (as kind of a backup controll).

Not sure that can be done without a coordinator, happy to be shown otherwise. It would definitely reduce latency.