I’m currently setting up my Home-Assistant and I’m very happy with it. Today I made a new scene to turn on (and set color and brightness) of 8 hue lights in my living room. The scene works when I trigger it, but it feels unstable. Sometimes a light doesn’t go on, or it goes on but with the wrong brightness…
Is there a limit on Hue devices that can be activated in one scene or something like that?
I have the same issue, I have 5 lights. Reminds me of a reddit thread where someone said that there was unexplainable wonkyness with Hass. There was nothing in the logs that could explain what was happening.
Yep it’s a pretty annoying bug or issue.
I might switch to Hue Scenes for now to avoid it… but someone might be able to trace what is happening inside HASS and find the bug
I have the same problem on two separate home assistant instances with a lot of hue lights.
Sometimes some bulbs turn on with the wrong (low) brightness… looks like they just receive the ON command and turn on to the last brightness. Maybe a lot of HA users don’t notice it because of this.
I use a lot of motion sensors and a dimming script which dims the lights down before turning them off… therefore the last saved brightness state in the bulb is always a very low one. And I get this behavior daily … but seemingly random.
I would really appreciate if someone could look into this… I also consider switching to hue scenes to avoid this… actually… did for one room and it “solves” the problem … but obviously I would rather define everything in HA and not use scenes just for setting the desired brightness…