Philips HUE integration... No color change wheel

I just started with ‘Philips Hue’ integration…
The devices/entities defined on hue bridge appeared in HA…

However I just wondering why I do not have for RGBW lights color change wheel? Only ‘brightness’ can be changed/regulated…
While with ‘Vera’ integration and ‘Zipato RGBW’ light - I have the color change wheel.
See screens below…
For the ‘Philips Hue’ integration should be something more defined/enabled…?


ZIPATO via Vera Integration:

Turn the light on and the colour selection wheel should appear.

Though your light appears to be ‘unavailable’ so there may be something else at fault here.


Hmmm… But what then is the logic? Brightness can be changed? For ‘not available’ light…?

Changing the brightness of an off light from zero to something else will turn it on.

The cards are designed based on your entities being available.

Fix the problem, turn the light on, set the colour.

Indeed… It works, when ‘on’…
However I have another question - why in ‘effect’ I see only ‘random’ option…?
No other options. Should be somewhere defined…?
I would like the color to be changed every few seconds…

The hardware I use are ‘Osram Smart+’ GU10 RGBW bulbs…

osram smart +

It’s not the fix. not even a workaround if user wants to turn light with desired colour.

Light service is designed to send colour setting with turn_on call. Therefore it seems that cards do limit the system usability.

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I didn’t say it was a fix. I told him to fix the problem with his bulbs.

I don’t really understand why you feel the need to constantly appear in threads where people are trying to help others to say that you find their solution to be substandard when (like now) it is the only available solution. If you want to see the colour wheel, you have to switch the light on. To switch the light on it has to be available in homeassistant.

If you believe that the colour wheel should be on the cards when the light is off, take it up with a frontend developer.

OP, the effects box only shows effects that are available for the light in question. Random will just set it to random settings, and that’s obviously available on any light that’s not just on/off. Other lights (like LEDs) sometimes have built in effects like flash or rainbow, they would appear there if supported.

You can write an automation to cycle the colour of the lights.

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Thank you for explanation…
Maybe someone can share code of good automation example for this action?

  - alias: Change light colour every minute if on
      platform: time_pattern
      minutes: '/1'
      condition: state
      entity_id: YOUR_LIGHT
      state: 'on'
      service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: YOUR_LIGHT
          - "{{ (15 + (state_attr('YOUR_LIGHT' , 'hs_color')[0] or 0)) % 360 }}"
          - 100
        brightness_pct: 100

Replace YOUR_LIGHT with entity id of your light in all three places.

Will work it’s way around the colour wheel every minute.

O.K. Wanted to try, but getting error:

Message malformed: Integration '' not found

Should I enable ‘light’ integration in .yaml? With some parameters…?
Up to now I did not played with lights in HA.

Where did you put the code?

I use that exact automation here with no issue, I literally copied it from my config and changed the entity_id to YOUR_LIGHT to make sure you saw where it needed changing.

O.K. I’ll give more try/time tomorrow…
Thank you…

Make sure that you don’t use the automation UI, it will probably mangle the template.

Presuming you have

automation: !include automations.yaml

In your configuration.yaml, then paste the code into automations.yaml. It will probably all need moving 2 spaces to the left so the hyphen is against the left edge of the page and it is all lined up as it is above.

O.K. Now O.K. Thank you…
Just wondering how modify the code to have brightness changing from let’s say 25% to 100%. When color is changing…
Trying, but I’m not getting results…

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brightness_pct: "{{ [25, 38, 50, 63, 75, 88, 100] | random }}"

Thank you for reply… What the ’random’ in this code means…?

Each time the automation runs it will randomly pick a number from the array, so in the example I gave the brightness will either be 25, 38, 50, 63, 75, 88 or 100. There’s lots of different ways you could template the brightness, you could do it by time, or gradual increase/decrease. That was just my first thought based on your request.

I also noticed, that in the automation the color is not changing, every minute, as projected…
Do not understand why.
I.e. it changes when I switch OFF and ON again the lights.
Should be still something adjusted/corrected in the code? According the automation it should do (I think).
I would like to change the color every minute…

The automation I posted triggers every minute and changes the colour if the light is on, it doesn’t trigger when the light is turned on.

I also made it quite clear that if you use the automation UI it probably would mangle the code and stop it working.

I can’t help you anymore.

O.K. Thank you for help… For now I stayed with ‘color loop’ option from ‘Hue Labs’.
Hue Labs - > Color Loop

Maybe I’ll find other examples to set-up via Home Assistant…

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