Philips Hue integration questions

Hi, I am fairly new to the HA world and forums, so I apologize in advance if I didn’t do this right. I’m trying to ask some questions about the Hue integration but can’t find a good place to post, so here we are :slight_smile:

  1. When viewing lights in the Lovelace dashboard, I can change light colors and such for RGB bulbs, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to get the actual values of the bulb (i.e. RGB, hue, sat, dim). I want to create an automation to set them but need to figure out the values to use.
  2. I tried installing the script to take a “snapshot” of the bulbs but that’s not working for me either (last update was 4 years ago; tracking in - Export YAML formatted state/attributes - #13 by dmcentire)

So is there any way to either read the current values of a bulb that’s on, or take a snapshot of the bulbs and dig through the data there?

Thanks in advance!


I’m basically trying to migrate from Homeseer 4 to HA and am used to seeing this in HS4 for a given Hue bulb. This helps me replicate the color in an event in HS:

See if the values of the lights in the Developer Tools can be used.

Totally cool, thank you! That’s exactly what I was looking for. Now I know where to find it thanks to your info:

Example of one that’s on right now:

brightness: 64
  - 35.902
  - 47.843
  - 255
  - 206
  - 133
  - 0.448
  - 0.397