Philips Hue Play HDMI Sync Box custom integration

In my case my Audio Soundbar has Arc, so I have Nvidia Shield>>splitter>>TV>>Soundbar(via ARC).

Then the splitter is sending the second signal to the Sync box

Thanks. Received it today. Tested, but did not work for me in my setup (Google TV>AV Receiver>splitter). It does not passthrough dolby vision correctly unfortunately.


TV: Sony KD-65XH9005
Dolby Vision: Yes and No… meaning the problems occur for DV and non-DV content. Tried DV compatibility mode on and off, both with the same results.

“Hue support to troubleshoot”? Sorry, but how and where?

I have a splitter installed for my PS5 and that works very well, ideally I would not have to install another one for my Android TV box. :sweat_smile: But I may have to…

Watched a few YouTube videos, my issues may be cable related… just to be sure, I ordered two new cables, one for Android TV Box → Sync Box and one for Sync Box → TV.
They should arrive tomorrow, I’ll test them and will report back.

Maybe not a coincidence, but my issue was on a KD-55XF9005. In the end I had Sony replace the motherboard off the TV under warranty but even that didn’t fix all the issues.

I got in touch with the Phillips support for hue on

In the end the splitter fixed it for me so I didn’t pursue it further with them.

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Give it a day and try to make sure you reconfigure all the bits to make sure the DV is on… Restart all the devices etc.

Hopefully it’ll work, it should support Dolby Vision without issues, assuming it’s the exact same hardware splitter

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2nd evening with new HDMI cable - my issues seem to be gone. :slight_smile:
Thx everyone.


I keep getting the ‘connection failed’ error when trying to add this to my HA installation. All on same network. Any ideas?


“Connection failed” is usually a network issue or mistyped info.

Could you create an issue in the Github repo linked in the first post and provide as much of the info requested in the template?

@Michel, Thanks for your great contributions, but I can’t find any integration for the Philips HUe Sync Box in the Home Assistant?

What am I doing wrong?

The Hue Bridge works great.

I have the Sync Box added to HA but how do I create “Entertainment Zones”? I did away with the HUE App months ago and added all the HUE lights directly into HA. Don’t particularly want to have to remove the lights and put them all back into HUE again to get this working?

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First add it via HACS. Did you do this first? Once installed in HACS, you can then add the integration. I actually just successfully completed the install process yesterday.

I have the same issue. Sync box is added in HA, I can see the inputs changing and I can turn the box on and off. But when I click the sync lights entity, it’s switching back to off after a couple of seconds.

And I cannot select an entertainment area, which might be the issue as the box might not know what to sync (a gradient strip)

This integration (like all other integrations in this forum section) is a “custom integration” meaning it does not come bundled with Home Assistant.

You will have to install it manually before it becomes available in Home Assistant.

I assume you might be new to custom integrations. So I changed the thread title to mention “custom integration” instead of just “integration” and mentioned in the first post that installation instructions can be found in the README to hopefully clarify it a bit more.

As @jubjub03 mentioned you probably want to use the HACS installation method.

The sync box talks to the hue hub to sync your lights. Get it working within hue ecosystem before trying this integration.

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To have a working setup with a Philips Hue Play HDMI Syncbox you need:

  • Philips Hue Play HDMI Syncbox
  • Hue bridge
  • Hue lights connected to the Hue Bridge

If you don’t use a Hue bridge with Hue lights it will not work.

If you decide to setup the Hue bridge again you can create the Entertainment areas in the Hue App.

Can anyone share a working dashboard card config for hue sync? I already have the integration working with the device connected.
Was hoping to add to a card where i can power off/on, change the entertainment areas, change the intensity, and brightness.

There is no specific card for this integration afaik.

I use a standard entities card myself, not exceptionally pretty, but it works.

type: entities
  - entity: number.hobby_box_brightness
    name: Brightness
  - entity: select.hobby_box_hdmi_input
    name: HDMI Input
  - entity: select.hobby_box_intensity
    name: Intensity
  - entity: switch.hobby_box_light_sync
    name: Light Sync
  - entity: switch.hobby_box_power
    name: Power
  - entity: select.hobby_box_sync_mode
    name: Sync mode
title: Hobby box
show_header_toggle: false

I have also been experimenting with using a standard tilecard and the custom Service Call Tile Feature card. You can build something like below. It also uses some icons from Hass Hue Icons. Still need to figure out how to change the yellow color.


  - type: custom:service-call
      - type: selector
        entity_id: select.hobby_box_sync_mode
          - icon: mdi:television
          - icon: mdi:headphones
          - icon: mdi:controller
  - type: custom:service-call
      - type: selector
        entity_id: select.hobby_box_intensity
          - icon: hue:sync-subtle
          - icon: hue:sync-moderate
          - icon: hue:sync-high
          - icon: hue:sync-intense
  - type: custom:service-call
      - type: slider
        entity_id: number.hobby_box_brightness
  - type: custom:service-call
      - type: button
        entity_id: switch.hobby_box_power
        icon: mdi:power
          action: call-service
          service: switch.toggle
          '--opacity': |
            {% if is_state("switch.hobby_box_power", "on") %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
          '--color': red
      - type: button
        entity_id: switch.hobby_box_light_sync
        label: SYNC
          action: call-service
          service: switch.toggle
          flex-basis: 400%
          '--opacity': |
            {% if is_state("switch.hobby_box_light_sync", "on") %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
          '--color': |
            {% if is_state("switch.hobby_box_light_sync", "on") %}
              linear-gradient(-35deg, blue, green)
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
type: tile
vertical: false
show_entity_picture: false
hide_state: true
entity: switch.hobby_box_power
name: Hobby box
icon: hue:sync-box
  action: none
  action: none

There are probably more options out there. Bascially any card that lets you combine multiple entities would work I guess.

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THANK you for the Tile Card version. That looks very good!
You can simply change the yellow color by adding this:

color: green
(or any other color you want)

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Hello there. I am quite new to HA and managed to add the Hue Sync Box using the above config. However, my lights are not syncing with the TV signal and if I try to turn on “Light Sync”, it just automatically switches off.

I was previously using the Hue Bridge with my lights and the Sync Box was part of that. However, I removed all my lights from Hue Bridge directly into HA, including the light strip behind my TV which I can turn on/off from HA so I’m assuming it is working correctly (though I’m not sure how to manually change the colour).

I then installed this addon and paired the Huw Sync box with HA successfully and it appeared to work fine. I then removed the Hue Bridge but that’s where the light syncing to content stopped working.

Is there a way to use the syncing feature on the TV lightstrip without the Hue Sync Bridge as that will literally be the only thing it would be used for?