Philips HUE Smart Button - 5 press actions + hold-to-dim

Can you show me your config? There’s a few settings that may fix this already for you

You’re going to need to add more complex actions using choose for your:

Done thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

Try resetting one of your buttons and repairing it to the HUE app, you need to open it up and press the little reset switch for 10-15 secs.

For some reason buttons that come pre-paired with HUE bridges don’t work properly in HASS until re-paired

I had this set up working fine for a long time to control opening (short press) and closing (long press) window blinds.

However, the short press stopped working recently so I changed the device battery and reset it and the automation still didn’t work on short press.

So, I deleted the previous automation, re-imported the blueprint and now, when creating a new automation, I just get the below. Any ideas?

Are you using the hue integration for this?

I know you said you reset it but it sounds like you need to do it again.

Remove it from your hue app first and check it’s gone from hass, then hold the reset as long as it says to before adding it again.

Try reloading the hue integration in hass too to see if that wakes it up

No, it’s installed via ZHA. I deleted the device from there then re-added it after resetting the device.

So, I’ve reset the button a number of times. I’ve tried adding it to HA via both the Hue app and ZHA and the Blueprint is still showing ‘No matching devices found’.

As I say, it was fine until I deleted the device from HA and selected ‘Re-import Blueprint’

What version of hass are you using?

If you manually look at the smart button entities in hass what do you see? Is it just a battery level?

2 entities, battery and identify

HA versions:

Do you see entries in the device logbook when the button is pressed?

Yes there are entries:

I’m not on 2024.1 yet but I don’t see any breaking changes in the notes…

Can you show my the properties on your devices/entities? The blueprint is looking for matches based on the following rules for HUE/ZHA

            - domain: sensor
              device_class: battery
              integration: hue
            - domain: sensor
              device_class: battery
              integration: zha
            - integration: hue
              manufacturer: "Signify Netherlands B.V."
              model: "Hue Smart button (ROM001)"
            - integration: zha
              manufacturer: "Signify Netherlands B.V."
              model: "ROM001"

Is this what you’re after? Taken from ZHA integration (redacted part of the IEEE)

If you look at the device page for the button and then the entity page for the battery entity, you should see the relevant fields that I need from the above config e.g. model, manufacturer etc

Paste them all here in case something has changed. Even a changed . in a recent hass update would break this

Looks like the manufacturer has changed from signify to Philips. Sigh. Would have been nice if hass Devs noted that as a breaking change.

Can you confirm that’s the case? I’ll push a code update

Yes I can confirm it is now showing Philips as the manufacturer.

I still have a large number of Hue devices showing as Signify but four devices, including this smart button as Philips. I don’t have any other Hue smart buttons to compare manufacturer against.

I’ve pushed an update to the blueprint can you try that?

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Yes, the device is selectable now :+1:

Thanks for sorting this.