Philips HUE Smart Button - 5 press actions + hold-to-dim

What version of home assistant are you on?

We use Home Assistant 2023.3.6

I’m still on 2023.2 myself but I don’t see any text helper changes in the release notes…

What do you see if you press the back arrow at the top left of that popup in your screenshot?

What are the options when you create a new text helper from scratch?

This is when I press the back arrow at the top left of the popuphelper settings-2

These are the fields when I click on the add helper button and select Tekst (= text)
helper settings-3

So the first screenshot was when you clicked the :gear: icon? What do you have when you click the three dots?

Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 14.34.11
This is what I see when I create an input_text helper

After a lot of digging through github notes I’ve found this change in 2023.3.x:

Is your HA user a non-admin user?

The account on which i’m logged into HA is the owner… and the account has admin rights (see attachment)

If I click on the three dots there is one clickable option ‘Relations’ (translated from Dutch). And if I click on that, the relation with the button is dsiplayed

I don’t understand why you’re not seeing the options… I might try upgrading to 2023.3 later…

The only thing I can think of is that there’s a frontend bug with the language and that maybe you’ll see the full options if you switch to english?

Can I switch to english without losing all kind of settings and namings? and can I get back to the dutch translation after adjusting the settings?

I honestly don’t know :slight_smile: I’d suggest a full backup first or maybe try on a fresh install of home assistant somewhere else to test it…

I think you can also manually set the max: state attribute in developer tools?

On mine I can click on the input_text entity and change the max value then set state

Hello, I found it… under user profile there is a option ‘Advanced Mode’ this was disabled… i toggled the option and voila there was the option to adjust the text setting from 100 to 500. The good part is that the button now works :grinning:

Many many thanks for the support, without your help it should have taken much more time to find the solution. have a nice day!!


No worries happy you sorted it :slight_smile: completely forgot about advanced mode

For some reason, the lights get brighter very well but then instead of dimming down again until 0% or some other low percentage, it oscillates between 80% and 100%. Is this expected behavior? A setting should be included to select the lower value.

Edit: And if you select “initially dim light down” then it correctly comes down from any percentage but then oscillates between something like 20% and 0%. Very weird.

Can you share more info about your setup?

Usually this is caused by the text helper not being written to properly for some reason.

Watch your logbook/entity history for the text helper and share it here if you can. There will be a case where last_dim_direction is set to the incorrect value

Feel free to zip and PM me traces too

Hi guys,

For everyone who has issues with z2mqtt topic setup, do NOT forget to add /action to the end of your topic!!! so it should look like:

e.g. zigbee2mqtt/Dining Room - Button Remote/action

“Friendly name” is literally what you called it in the z2mqtt.

Thanks @TheHolyRoger for your help sorting this out!

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