Philips Hue Switch new generation

Hi all,

Philips / Signify released a new generation of their famous Hue Switch:

For people living in the EU, this is a nice improvement, because the backplate can now actually be screwed on top of EU wall sockets.

However, this new generation is not properly recognized:

  • In Phoscon (i’m using the Conbee II), it is very difficult to connect the new switch. It only works if I cut power to all Hue devices in my home first. And even after that, all Zigbee stuff is going crazy in my home when i press the power toggle button on the new Hue Switch (random lights going on/of).
  • In Home Assistant, it will only recognize the battery status, but not the 4 buttons.

My 7 existing Hue switches are from the old generation (model RWL021), they all work fine and i had never trouble connecting them in Decons.

It seems to me, that this new generation (model RWL022) is not properly implemented yet in Deconz / Phoscon and Home Assistant. It would be of great help if someone could help with that. Especially because this switch will become a very popular choice for many people.

Edit: I just see that Deconz released a beta version of the Phoscon / deCONZ software: v2.9.2 ( It mentions: * Support Hue dimmer switch (2021 model, RWL022), Livarno Lux lights #4302

I’ll make a backup of my setup first and give this beta version a try tomorrow. I’ll report back.

It’s not working. I’ve upgraded to v2.9.3, and the following is happening:

  • with most attempts, it is not connecting at all

  • for some attempts, it is connecting, but it is removing existing (Hue gen1) switches in Phoscon (unwanted behaviour). After that, all 4 buttons are recognized in Home Assistant, but it is not working.

This is the case for automations within Home Assistant, and for automations setup within Phoscon. When connected, some random mulitple zigbee lights start flickering temporarely. But end-result is the same: it is not working at all.

FWIW, I checked the ZigBee2MQTT GitHub repo and someone reported the same issue (3 days ago). Apparently ZigBee2MQTT just released support for the new version of Dimmer Switch (in their dev branch). However the same user tried it and said it doesn’t work properly.

All this to say, you’re not alone, the device is not yet supported by the major ZigBee coordinators, and it may take time to support it correctly.

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Deconz picks up the dimmer as RWL022. It isn’t shown in Phoscon, but it is then available on the Hue Essentials app on iOS, which is what I used as a stop-gap to get it configured until it is properly supported by phoscon etc

Hi all,

The issue is sorted out- kinda…

  • The most important rule: do not connect the new switch with Deconz version older than 2.9.3 (recognized by having Deconz version 6.7.0 in Home Assistant). If you do not update first, it corrupts something (a database?) pretty badly in Deconz if you start connecting your switch. Simply removing the device from Deconz is not recovering this situation. The way i dealt with this situation, is to do a full gateway reset of my Conbee II, and than reconnecting all my devices again, and restore my automations in Home Assistant again (an 8 hour job). Another user had a more elegant solution to recover from this, you can find more details here, but is not very easy either:
    I hope this warning helps.

  • Update Deconz to version 2.9.3/6.7.0 or newer first

  • Use Phoscon to add the device. This can be really difficult, multiple attempts are usually needed. After adding, it will most likely not pop up in Phoson, but you will see it in the Deconz overview.

  • The switch is now visible in Home Assisant. However, it is now time to reboot Home Assistant. If you don’t reboot, the change is very high that only the battery of the remote will be recognized, but not the buttons.

  • Automations can now be created in Home Assistant.

Something is clearly very wrong with the current implementation of the new switch in Deconz/Phoscon, but the above procedure worked for me. I’ve repeated the procedure with a second hue switch, and it’s all working by following the steps above.

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Thanks for this, I tried adding the new dimmer through Phoscon a few times and thought it was failing because I wasn’t getting any feedback from the app, but if you watch the LED on the front of the dimmer it will blink green. It can be seen in the deconz map.

I can’t seem to rename the device in phoscon or deconz so the event_id is fixed on something like rwl022_67 in home assistant (even after a reboot) but I can live with that for now. Events seem to be receiving in Home Assistant fine. I’m using the deconz addon 6.7.0. Hopefully future versions of deconz will add better support.

Many thanks, same behavior here but at least i have the remote in deconz_event and i can prog it well myself with Controllerx

Did anybody get this switch working with the standard Philips HUE integration?


Is there any progress and alternative or work around.

Kind greetings,

It’s working fine with Deconz now. I don’t have a Philips Bridge (because i’ve the Deconz stick), so i don’t know if it works with the standard Philips Hue Integration.