Just thought i would make a quick post here to hopefully help others out. Last night i left a Windows open during a storm, and my Hue Bridge became Water Logged and Fried Itself. Unfortunately there is now much advice out there about how to replace a bridge with a new one. I was trying to avoid having to redo everything all 20lights etc… in the end i gave up and did it all manually. It was time for a tidy up anyway.
This assumes that the old bridge is completely Unresponsive. There are better ways to do this if your bridge can boot.
- Get your new Hue Bridge
- Add it to the Hue App
- Make a List of all your Hue Lights and there Serial Numbers
- Search for New Lights and Add each serial number (you can add them all at once)
- Allow the App to add the lights
- Rename as Appropriate
- Delete the App and Re-Install (Yes - The Bridge details are stored in the App, So once deleted it is gone for good.
- Now i’m readding the Hue Intergation to Home Assistant and having a good spring clean while i’m here.