Philips Hue xy_color issue since HA 2024.8.3.3

Hi ALl,

I use for 1 bulb the following automation:

    - action: "{{ 'light.turn_on' if is_state('input_boolean.helpers_peter_home_homekit', 'on') else 'script.none' }}"
        entity_id: light.hallway_1
        xy_color: [0.7, 0.30] # Red
        brightness_pct: 100

But since last HA this is not gonna work anymore. The issue is xy_color.

When I change this to

    - action: "{{ 'light.turn_on' if is_state('input_boolean.helpers_peter_home_homekit', 'on') else 'script.none' }}"
        entity_id: light.hallway_1
        xy_color: [0.699, 0.30] # Red
        brightness_pct: 100

it is working normal. But with 0.7 this light won’t turn on.
Beside this also then I do a restart the Philips HUE integration is not loading all the time. Have to restart many times twice.

System info:

* Core - 2024.8.3
* Supervisor - 2024.08.0
* Operating System - 13.1
* Frontend - 20240809.0
Hue Bridge Firmware: 1.66.1966060010