Philips Sonicare Integration for Bluetooth Toothbrushes

I think there might be an issue of discovering and therefore adding/integrating toothbrushes if not connected directly to the native bluetooth interface of Home Assistant.

In other words: if you use a (ESPhome based) Bluetooth Proxy, you won’t be able to integrate the toothbrush.

Details: Not working with Bluetooth Proxies (ESP32 based) · Issue #14 · GrumpyMeow/sonicare-ble-hacs · GitHub

Is it worth to create an issue at Issues · esphome/issues · GitHub maybe? Up to now it’s not quite sure if the integration can’t handle Bluetooth Proxy or vice versa.

Please share (at Not working with Bluetooth Proxies (ESP32 based) · Issue #14 · GrumpyMeow/sonicare-ble-hacs · GitHub) if you use BT proxy or similar methods.


I assume it is more about the integration. Even directly next to my Pi (running HA) the sonicare is detected (mac address shown) but connection does not work.

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Maybe it depends on the toothbrush. My daughters’ toothbrush (Sonycare4Kids) does work well with this integration as long as it as no proxy is used. Unfortunately, my daughter is not willing to brush her teeth in the hallway just for having a direct connection to Home Assistant…


I picked up a set of the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean (HX9912) toothbrushes at Costco, in hopes that I could get them to work with HA. They were not detected by my production instance of HA, so I installed GrumpyMeow’s HACS add-on on my non-prod. After it didn’t detect them either, I realized that I had bluetooth disabled. After enabling and turning on the new brush, it showed up as a detected device. I tried adding, but it failed several times. The last attempt, I moved the brush closer to my Pi and it added. It’s now tracking 10 entities from the brush. I’m a little concerned with how close the brush may need to be to the Pi. Also, not sure yet if it will work with my prod HA since I do have 3 ESPHome devices. From reading above, it seems that ESPHome may not work. Happy to update as I find more information, but thought I’d pass along some encouraging progress since others may be wondering if Sonicare will work in HA.

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