Phillips 8805 Soundbar integration


I have such a soundbar. It has an app that allows to control it remotely. The mobile apps do suck, there needs to be two separate ones, one to control the device itself, and then another one to control the sources. Also it acts as both spotify output and googlecast. So we know it has an API.

But unfortunately I could not find any plugin for it in HA. Has anyone put effort finding out how to get the device controlled from HA?

I would like to be able to control volume, subwoofer level, input source and internet sources like netradios.

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I add here nmap results if it would ring a bell for someone

Nmap scan report for PlayFi-Living-Room2459EE.localnet (                              Host is up (0.023s latency).
Not shown: 989 closed tcp ports (reset)           PORT      STATE SERVICE                           53/tcp    open  domain
81/tcp    open  hosts2-ns                         5002/tcp  open  rfe
7000/tcp  open  afs3-fileserver                   8008/tcp  open  http
8009/tcp  open  ajp13
8081/tcp  open  blackice-icecap
8443/tcp  open  https-alt
9000/tcp  open  cslistener                        10001/tcp open  scp-config                        49152/tcp open  unknown
MAC Address: 60:B6:06:CC:BB:AA (Phorus)

I have a very similar one, a 8807/12. It can be integrated with the GoogleCast integration and also as a DLNA device within HomeAssistant, although with not much benefit as features only include powering off and on and adjust volume which are only available if you’re not using the eARC port apparently as when using eARC the CEC function will take over the control of soundbar from the TV and ignore volume commands for example (works with optical and analog if I remember correctly).

You can use it from HA as a cast device aswell if you want, although it’s a bit slow to initialize the feature for playing short sounds like “main door open”.

It would be nice to have a decent integration for:

  • input selection
  • prevent sleep (prevent Europe’s regulatory ErP ruling)
  • setting bass boost and surround sound settings and sound profiles

I have checked HACS too many times in case there is any unofficial integration but no luck yet.