Phone companion app still broken after years of raising awareness - sensors do not update as expected

The companion app as well as the device_tracker from the router and a ping. :smiley: The more, the better! :slight_smile:

I’m using a points based approach, that uses the combination of different connections to the same sensor and combines these into one, and for this sensor I give points, depending on reliability and importance. In the end, I have 70 points as threshold. 70 and over I’m home, 69 or lower I’m not a home. :slight_smile:

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Similar setup here (well, concept anyway). I use the Bayesian integration to calculate the probability of me being home, based on about a dozen sensors ranging from trackers on phone and keyring to time of day (4am and I’m probably in bed). More than 85% and I’m home.

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For your bed, I really, really would recommend to built this great project in your home: :+1: :smiley:

Tom did a great write-up of his bed sensors and how to use them. This really is amazing, as soon as you’re over the fact, that you now entered the Nerd-vana and are measuring your bed times. :rofl: :rofl:

yep i have a family phone (current apple device, all permissions enabled, latest companion app version) right now that hasnt updated its location for +4hours and I know its 20Kms from where the house says it is. But the companion app is online… old problem… regular issue…

I know this has been mentioned before (it’s not the user… ) but seriously, it MUST be the settings you have in your phone. The app works perfectly for me. My house alarm system disarms as I’m driving up the street as I expect. That’s how accurately it’s location tracking is (this is purely on location, not wifi as it disarms before I’m in wifi range).

Check all phone settings / permissions for the app.

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Start with these steps that have existed for over a year and if the issue still happens keep reading and look at the logs that are mentioned as part of the same troubleshooting step.

Solved my issue with HA iOS companion app not updating sensors.

In my case, I use the battery % to turn off a charger. I have created an automation on the iPhone using the “Shortcuts” app to trigger the HA sensors update when the battery hits 100%. Works like a charm - my HA automation that is triggered by the phone battery level now triggers correctly all the time.

Apparently, some developer added that call to update sensors on the iOS HA app so we can force that on purpose. It overcomes the iOS version updates and all that stuff that can break the automations.

Hope it helps.