Phone notifications come all at once

The notifications seem to be stuck in HA and all come at once all with the same time stamp. At first I thought it was the phone going asleep.(Android). But on that same phone the other apps are notifying with the correct time stamp.
As I sit here sending a test notification to my phone. Nothing is coming and there are no errors in the log when I call the script.
I just rebooted and the notify is working again. I suspect until tomorrow.

Do you have a timestamp built into the notification?
I intentionally put the time in my messages because of internet going down and then getting all at once. I get the time the messages was first generated by HA.

If I delete the home-assistant_v2.db will that clear any data base errors and allow ha to send notifications as there happening? The timestamp band aid is a great idea.

How do you insert a time stamp? Newbie - and I dont understand YAML

I switched to doing all my automations in NodeRed a long time ago. You just have to add the appropriate yaml to your notification to pass the time the message was generated. I don’t have an example to give you, but you should be able to search and find it on this forum.

In a automation:

  - service: notify.mobile_app_t_s20
      message: >-
        ephhm {{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.date_time_iso')) |
        timestamp_custom('%I:%M%p') }}
    enabled: false