Photoelement/ultrasound based sensor? Have you seen something like this?

Hello everyone

I am looking for info if the following sensor exists. Here is what I want - a device that is operated on the principle of either photoelements or ultrasound to detect if a human, vehicle, bicycle, or animal has crossed a road.

How I envision the principle of operation - a sender is mounted on one side of the road, receiver - on the other side. When the beam is crossed, a simple message with a timestamp will be sent out. The message can be sent via 433mzh/866Mhz - this is preferable.

Now the question - have you seen anything like this? Photoelement-based sensor is nothing new - pretty much all garage door openers as far as I know are operating on this principle.

I guess there are/should be other technologies to accomplish the above but I am looking at the cheapest option. I want to install such a device next to the driveway entrance so it should cover about 8m/25ft distance.

If you have seen anything similar, please share.


Look at a VL53L1X Ranging Sensor.

First - thanks. Now questions: can this detect motion/something crossing the beam if the object is >5 meters/15 away? In the description, it says ’ ranging up to 4 m and fast ranging frequency up to 50 Hz’.

I need something that will detect that the beam is crossed if the object is 0.5m from the beam source or 6m away. The driveway is about 8m wide.

There’s dozens of other models. Just search for Time of Flight sensors…