Is there a way in node red to differentiate from someone pressing a zwave switch vs an automation changing the switch state? I think I found a way to do it in HA, but I’m curious how to do it in NR.
August 29, 2021, 6:23pm
The event could have info about what triggered it.
Can’t remember what it’s called but user id or something.
(Tobi Bo)
September 1, 2021, 9:36am
A similar post is here:
In short, what I’m trying to achieve is a way to identify if a state/attribute change came from a ZigBee switch, or if it was from an external source such as the dimmer on the wall, or Google Assistant.
What I have now is a MQTT event that listens to my ZigBee switch, and then does some automation stuff with it such as change the light scenes.
What I want to do though is have some other automations that say, if the lights in the living room change then do X. The key though is that t…
Maybe you can get some useful information there.