I am trying to install Hass.io on my Pi 3 B+ and when I flash the card and insert it my Pi does not find the image file as indicated by 7 blinking green lights. I am following the instructions to the letter and my Pi does boot other OS’s like rasbian and openhab. Any help would be appreciated.
Using etcher and the pi 3 image from the downloads page on a 16 GB and a 32 GB micro sd card using Windows 10. I also tried different programs to flash the cards with the same results.
Download the SD Formater make a full format to SD Card before write image by Etcher.
Download the image for home-assistant you want to use, example https://home-assistant.io/getting-started/ <— scroll down see Download Hass.io image for Raspberry Pi 3 or alternative installation methods.
After write the image by etcher. plug in your rp3 and ethernet cable. This might takes about 20 mins for everything to load. For hass.io image you can access from browser with the same network of rp3 at http://hassio.local:8123
I tried your instructions and still the same results. I have no idea what is going on and I seem to be the only person who has this problem. I might just buy a new Pi 3 and see if that will fix my problem.
I had also problems to install Hass.io. I have donwload the image but it isn’t realy a image. What you download you must unpack that with winrar and then write the image. I don’t use Etcher but Win32DiskImager.
I did what you said. The Pi still can’t find the flashed image. I have tried using fresh downloads of the programs and 5 different computers with the same results. I have no idea what else to do.
The card seen likes mine. So I think there is something wrong with your pi.
Can you send it back to the store where you buy it ?
When you plugin the power without a card, is then the red light on ?
I get the red and green light. I have had the Pi for a year. It will run other operating systems lust fine. I installed openhab 2, Hassbian and both booted just fine.