Pi 4 boot from USB using new pi released bootloader

I have successfully made a pi 4 boot into standard 32 bit Raspian from usb with no SD card using the latest software and firmware updates from the pi organisation.

Now how do I get HA to boot off the USB? A simple image download onto the USB doesn’t do it.

It’s not called Raspbian any more.
The boot loader is still in beta
Our Home Assistant OS has not been rewritten to take advantage of the (as yet unreleased) boot loader.

Answer : -
Install in Docker over pi OS

@Mutt you are being a bit pedantic here.
It is described in the Raspberry Pi imager as a port of debian and is called Raspberry Pi Os (32 bit).
It is not what I would call beta - as of 15th June 2020.
The bootloader install process is described here https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/bcm2711_bootloader_config.md#usbmassstorageboot
Not much to call beta about it and it works.

Anyone else reading this may find the following I have written as a precis of the above link to get a usb drive up and going.

Update the bootloader
	• From a standard Raspberry Pi OS SD card boot:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
	• As root, edit /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update and change "critical" to "stable".
	• Install the stable version of the bootloader and replace the current configuration settings to enable USB boot. 
sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -f /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/stable/pieeprom-2020-06-15.bin
	• Reboot and check the bootloader version and config:
vcgencmd bootloader_version 
vcgencmd bootloader_config
Create a bootable USB drive
	• Use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash Raspberry Pi OS to a USB mass storage device.
	• Update the GPU firmware
	   sudo apt update 
	   sudo apt full-upgrade
	• Update the firmware on a Raspberry Pi OS SD card install
	  use sudo rpi-update to 
	• Then copy the *.dat and *.elf files from that system.
	• Copy these updates to the boot partition on the USB device. 

	• Add ssh file to usb drive
	• Shutdown
	• Power down
	• Remove sd card
	• Power up

From <https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/bcm2711_bootloader_config.md#usbmassstorageboot> 

Eh ?
What did I say that is not “a fact” ?