I never really looked at the history graphs for the pi-hole sensors. Just looked at the current state sometimes.
But they all have this zig-zag pattern.
Any ideas on what’s wrong?
I think the figure resets hourly.
So if at the start of the hour I have had 24000 queries in the last 24 hours, I will keep adding them on and by near the end of the hour the figure will actually be for nearly 25 hours.
Once the hour clocks over, the oldest hour is dropped, so we are back to 24 hours worth.
At least that is what I understand.
Ahh I didn’t consider that. Then I guess it makes sense. But then I think it should only update the HA sensor once per hour as well. All that in between just seems like fluff then.
Mine did this as well and it turned out to be a lack of storage space, the zig zag that you see was the system trying to make more available disk space (I believe). Eventually I ran out of disk space and everything came to a hault.