Pi-hole - ubuntu

Hi Guys,

i’m running pi- hole on a dedicated ubuntu server, (virtual box).
i’m wondering how can i retrieve cpu & memory, ip address,disk space etc and display on hassio.

Any ideas how can i achieve it?

SSH sensor from HACS or here:

You should be able to get all that info from SNMP also

or glances

Thank you,

  - platform: snmp

something else that i need to do?

i cant see anything

You restarted and looked in the dev-states page?

Have you verified the OID is correct with an SNMPWalk?

Have you added it to your front end?

this what i see in the log file after reboot
019-08-01 21:29:10 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.snmp.sensor] Please check the details in the configuration file`Preformatted text

Have you verified the OID is correct with an SNMPWalk? how?

Have you added it to your front end? how?

do i need to install something on the ubuntu server?

You need snmpd installed and configured. SNMP isn’t magic…it does need to connect to a listening service.

Based on:

This means that the sensor wasn’t added, and you can’t add it to your frontend.