Pi Workload Capacity?

Are there any guidelines to determine the workload capacity of my Pi3? I’m trying to determine if I can continue to add servers or if I’m going to overload the thing.

Currently, I’ve got HA AIO running on it. I’ve got 50+ Hue lights, 10+ Z-wave devices (some secure), HappyBubbles BLE presence detection using MQTT, RF switches, Ecobee3(s), (2) Echos, (4) Chromecast Audio, (2) Chromecast, and it’s continuing to grow. The last thing I want to happen is to unsuspectingly crash it and start over from scratch.

@jthacker48 Wow, that’s a nice setup. Hopefully you’re keeping your configuration files in a backup of some kind or at a minimum GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab or another VCS.

Have you checked top or htop to see if your Pi is having any resource issues?

You could also run nmon to collect and look at different performance stats to see where you are on the utilization front.


You can just pull down the Ubuntu version for ARM that is already compiled.