Pi4 with Zigbee4MQTT

Hi all,

Recently i moved from a Pi3B+ to a Pi4 with an m2.Sata SSD connected by USB3.
All working well and fast as hell :slight_smile:

Now i have to install Zigbee2MQTT and here is were the fun starts.

What i did.

  • Created a user
  • Installed Mosquitto Broker with username+password
  • Installed Zigbee2MQTT latest version 1.11.0
  • Edited the information and booted up.

At first i was getting some weird errors, but these were due to my CC2531.

Now it looks all fine, but i can’t get devices to join, even when: permit_join: true
I’m using the latest firmware from the github page: CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip

All has been working fine on my Pi3B+

Am i missing something??

Log looks clean to me:

Try an USB extension cable if your CC2531 is directly plugged into your RbPi4.

Just read about that. Is the interference that big compared to a Pi3?