I love the integration and I am trying to use it to make it easier to order particular batches (e.g. basics or specific recipes). However, here the matching with product names is not reliable enough.
To get Picnic product ids I have been using python-picnic-api and searched for items. This yields output like the following:
[{'type': 'CATEGORY',
'id': 'avocado',
'links': [{'type': 'SEARCH',
'href': 'https://storefront-prod.nl.picnicinternational.com/api/15/search?search_term=avocado'}],
'name': 'avocado',
'items': [{'type': 'SINGLE_ARTICLE',
'id': 's1007465',
'decorators': [{'type': 'FRESH_LABEL', 'period': 'P7D'},
{'type': 'UNIT_QUANTITY', 'unit_quantity_text': '4 stuks'}],
'name': "Baby avocado's eetrijp",
'display_price': 279,
'price': 279,
'image_id': '56fab15b05ba086961addea64229ef66cf2cad38008379f29b7ef6de232b0863',
'max_count': 50,
'unit_quantity': '4 stuks',
'unit_quantity_sub': '€5.67/kg',
'tags': []},
{'type': 'SINGLE_ARTICLE',
'id': 's1010706',
'decorators': [{'type': 'PROMO', 'text': 'nu €2.69'},
{'type': 'FRESH_LABEL', 'period': 'P3D'},
{'type': 'PRICE', 'display_price': 269},
{'type': 'PRICE_STYLE', 'price_color': 'RED1'},
{'type': 'UNIT_QUANTITY', 'unit_quantity_text': '2 stuks'},
{'type': 'VALIDITY_LABEL', 'valid_until': '2024-03-03'}],
'name': 'Avocado eetrijp',
'display_price': 299,
'image_id': '01b712926580ab7ef2365230784488105d0d3cd6ab5a13aabc034c03f1ce43b2',
'max_count': 50,
'unit_quantity': '2 stuks',
'unit_quantity_sub': '€7.69/kg',
'tags': []},
Unlike the example code shown at https://github.com/MikeBrink/python-picnic-api, the ids offered by the API here are labeled with a preceding ‘s’. And, unlike the aforementioned code, adding these id values within the Picnic app does not lead to a product listing.
I am trying to figure out how to turn these ids into actual product ids that can be used in the integration, but am hitting a wall!