Picotts missing pico2wave

I am trying to use picotts for my new HASSio install to keep everything local, but my logs say that pico2wave is missing.

It looks like there is no package manager on this image, so how does one actually use Pico with HASSio?

I found an unanswered request here, which looks similar:

Is this just not supported? If so, are there docs on the Home Assistant features that actually work with HASSio?

I cant help, but I would love a way to use this with hassio as well… +1

How to install pico tts on the “default” hassio installation with hassos?
google tts is not working, I would try other tts engines.

Yea! Unbelievable!

Is picotts really missing in hassio? I can’t get it to work! My old setup (Debian based) worked easily. Also hassio wants the time from google (wtf? local control?) How can I switch to my local NTP server?


just cross posting, have the same question here: