Picture attachment to ios notification with automation editor

Hi! I’m trying to add pictures to my notifications, so that when one of my plants needs water I don’t need to know what plant X looks like. Anyone who could help me with what I need to have in the automation editor? The pictures are located in /config/www Any help would be awsome :slight_smile:

This is what I have in my notification so far:

  "message": "water Ficus Benjamina",
  "title": "Ficus Benjamina needs water"

I missed the part in the documentation that the pictures needed to be available on the internet. For others wondering what to put in the automation editor it looks like this :slight_smile:

  "data": {
    "attachment": {
      "url": "https://yoururl.com/yourpicture.jpg"
  "message": "your message here",
  "title": "your title here"