I want to display this image for the rest of the day in a Picture Card, but I can’t seem to figure out the correct path, not even if I just use a static file name
Hmmm - tried the external_dirs before and couldn’t get it to work.
Unfortunately, there’s no example in the docs that show how to add, e.g. the ‘media’ folder on my HA instance that runs at
Adding to the config file - with or without “” - returns the error:
Not a directory 'allowlist_external_dirs->0', got ''
If I add the same entry in a section called allowlist_external_urls it doesn’t throw an error message, but still neither of the ways above nor using something like for the image path works.
Still took me a while to find the right way to display the image because the file name shows when it was taken - couldn’t find a way to use the Picture Card as I originally intended.
So, I ended up setting up a camera with a local_file entry in the configuration.yaml
The drawback of the camera setup is that I can’t use a template in the configuration.yaml for the image name, so I have to use the path and fixed file name of an image that already exists in the /media folder and then run an additional action: local_file.update_file_path once HomeAssistant is up & running.