I have a number of pictures automatically uploaded to my homeassitant by scp command to /config/www/ folder. All these pictures are updated and uploaded everyday.
Most pictures are displayed and updated on dashboard without problem. I use Picture Card in the Integration page to specify local file "/local/xxxxx.png’.
The strange thing is some picture stays the same without updates no matter how many days have passed. I use file editor on side panel, go into the /www folder and view the picture directly and it is the updated one.
My question is why some pictures is not updated on the dashboard. I attach a screenshot showing the picture that is not updated. I also attach the photo in question here, just in case someone want to have a look.
It is the browser cache causing havoc.
Either disable the browser cache for the HA site or make your link cache resistant by adding ?date=<timestamp> to the end of the link.
Thanks. Just found that the only proper way to ensure dashboard update for local picture is to create it as a camera entity, via Integration–>Local file, and points to the local picture location, in my case, /config/www/xxxxx.png. Then, add a Picture Entity card that uses such camera entity.