Picture Element and external access

I’m using Picture Element in Lovelace to create a floor plan. This used to work well until the last version of HA. Suddenly my picture is not showing anymore when connecting from an external network (it works from my home network). The picture is saved in the www folder. I have DuckDNS/LetsEncrypt + NGINX configured (not that I know anything about it, I just stupidly followed tutorials and it worked until now :wink: ). I also have this http entry in my config yaml

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

I’m running HA 2021.7.4 with HaOS 6.1 on a RPi4.
I’m sure I probably overlooked something stupid.

Any help would be appreciated.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Did you check your setup against the breaking changes for reverse proxies? I don’t personally use one so cant be of much help but I do remember seeing perople talk about it in the 2021.7 release thread. Best to search that thread.