Picture element card, how to disable hold clicks on the background picture as well as on the type: image elements

Is there a way to disable how picture element card work when i long press on it?

Picture element card, how to disable hold clicks on the background picture as well as on the type: image elements?

I tried to hold action none but that does not work for background picture and it is very annoying …

I tried and it does not work:

  • type: image
    entity: switch.backyard_trees_right
    action: none
    action: none
    ‘on’: /local/images/floorplan/old-new/tree-right-on.png
    ‘off’: /local/images/floorplan/old-new/tree-right-off.png
    top: 6%
    left: 43%
    .: |
    :host .main-title {
    pointer-events: none;
    transform: scale(1,1)
    action: none
hold_action: none

Hold action none looks like works for elements like - type: state-label but my issue is with: - type: image and with background image :image:%20/local/images/floorplan/old-new/plan-top.png%0A

I made a video of it to show the issue, sorry i did not added it to my initial post! Just updated it , hope there is away to achieve that

Hold action does work as @tom_l stated. I tested it on - type: image just to be sure.

type: picture-elements
  - type: image
     action: none
     action: none
     action: none

The contextual menu you are seeing, if that’s what you’re talking about, comes from your browser, not HA.

But it still does it if i hold my finger i wonder may be it is my iphone /ipad that does it… i will get home and check from a pc how it looks like

Tested it on my Android too. Sorry I don’t have Apple devices to confirm.

I think that is what you mean ? That is exactly what my problem is, if i hold it a bit longer it does that thing instead of getting hold action on an element.

@koying is spot on. You are enabling a secondary browser task.

Too bad, can do that in safari as well, so looks like it is an iphone /ios feature. i doomed. Not Home assistant related question anymore. Thank you guys for quick response and troubleshooting! HA rocks!

Ps: if anyone know a workaround… please let me know :slight_smile: