Picture element - error icon when shutters are at 0% open

When my shutters go to 0% the label is replaced by an error icon. As you can see in this screenshot


The code I use for one of these is like this:

  - type: state-icon
    entity: cover.woonkamer
    state_color: false
      top: 50%
      left: 75%
      '--paper-item-icon-color': darkgrey
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/rolluiken
  - type: state-label
    entity: cover.woonkamer
    attribute: current_position
    suffix: '%'
      top: 52%
      left: 75%
      color: darkgrey
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/rolluiken

Is there any way to ignore the “error” and just display 0%?
If there is a way to replace the 0% by “closed” that would be fine as well