i m using the Picture elements card + State Icon - change icon/color on status
i set it up with my home right now but i wanna see the sate of my windows live withthe right icon? any idea to get it? thanks! (maybe share me the source code because i m a beginner ,thanks for your help!
hey i wanna have a similar issue: i wanna have the window shutter open if open and closed if closed:
i wanna have it if open: mdi:window-shutter-open else this: mdi:window-shutter
looks like right now:
type: state-icon
icon: mdi:window-shutter
title: Kabinett-rollo
entity: cover.kabinett_aktor_rollo
action: toggle
state_color: true
left: 93%
top: 14%
Take a look at this thread
hey thanks for your quick response? what would be the solution at my case with a code? -i m a beginner -thanks a lot!
i tried it like this:
icon: >
entity.state === “open” ? “mdi:window-shutter-open” : “mdi:window-shutter”
Most often the state icon should change automatically with the entity you are using.
Do you get different icons when using a simple card?
type: entities
- cover.kabinett_aktor_rollo
hey thanks for your quick support do you mean like this?
Configuration error
- Unknown type: entities
is there not any simple solution to change the icon with the state?
i tried it like this but this doesent work:
type: picture-elements
- type: state-icon
entity: cover.kabinett_aktor_rollo
title: Kabinett-rollo
action: toggle
state_color: true
icon: >
entity.state === “open” ? “mdi:window-shutter-open” : “mdi:window-shutter”
left: 50%
top: 50%
or do you mean like this:
one condition for open and one for closed?
type: state-icon
icon: mdi:window-shutter-auto
title: Kabinett-rollo
entity: cover.kabinett_aktor_rollo
action: toggle
state_color: true
left: 93%
top: 14%
- entity: cover.kabinett_aktor_rollo
state: closed
but error: Visual editor not supported
- Key ‘conditions’ is not expected or not supported by the visual editor.
You can still edit your config using YAML.
No, I mean test adding your cover device to your dashboard simply using an entity card.
type: entity
entity: cover.kabinett_aktor_rollo
in addition please use back ticks to share your code
So you understand my view… this code will show the icon for curtains closed and open curtains when opened.
type: picture-elements
- type: state-icon
entity: cover.bed_curtains
left: 30%
top: 14%
image: https://demo.home-assistant.io/stub_config/floorplan.png
this device has two states: open and close
“opening” also
and exactly this is i want also in my picture element card this icon with is switching thanks a lot for your help to help a newbie!
this is the source code:
- type: cover-open-close
type: tile
entity: cover.kabinett_aktor_rollo
action: toggle
show_entity_picture: true
vertical: false
hide_state: false
state_content: state
this worked also: