Picture-elements card: Multipe actions/services on tap_action

Solved!! after a small 1000 trial and errors only is_state was missing. Can this perhaps be done more elegant and economical?

It starts with cover open and pos=zero/0. control is via touchscreen tapping on an image.
1st tap starts closing, position is set to 75.
2nd tap within 15 seconds stops the movevement and set pos to 100
After 15 seconds without 2nd tap pos- is equally set to 100
2nd or 3rd tap , opposite direction and pos is set to 25
3rd of 4th within 15 seconds stops the movevement and set pos to 0
After 15 seconds without 3nd tap pos- is equally set to 0

    - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: >
          {% set n = states('variable.scherm_links_pos') | int %}
          {{ 'script.scherm_links_{}'.format(n) if n in range(0, 101, 25) else 'script.noop_script' }}

but you’d need to make a script.scherm_links_50 script.