Picture Elements Card shows Loader if something is unavailable

I went Wild and created a full 3D Home render for the Picture Elements Card it was a lot of work and every new devices gets a render and a configuration. So much that the code of the whole house with up to 17 different views like

  • Ground Floor
  • 1st Floor
  • Attic
  • Roof (solar panels / window)
  • Climate 0
  • Climate 1
  • Security
  • Automation
  • demo: rain,
  • demo: garbage,
  • demo curtains / sunscreen
  • demo night
  • Security

All these dashboards together go up to 22.000 lines. A lot I know busy cleaning it into different templates to stack them (other project)…

Current issues is that while I’m using my dashboards I sometimes see a loading icon. There is no debug value, error page or even console call what it is missing. Sometimes you can see some line and if you are really happy it shows what sensor is unavailable but with up to 284 devices and 1200 entities I can’t find out which it is without a clear error.

At the bottom of the pictures you can see the rotating loadingbar but it’s not clear why is there a way to make this better?