Picture-elements: on/off images on multi-entity items

So I am trying to create a floorplan with buttons for my lights (for now). I am having some yeelight ceiling lights that have multiple entities in the same light (normal light, nightlight, ambilight). I want to use a single icon for all three entities and controlling them as follows:

  • single tap: light toggle
  • double-tap: nightlight toggle
  • hold: ambilight toggle

I got the controlling part, but struggling with the images. I would want a glowing bulb if any of the light entities are on and a turned off bulb if none of the lights are enabled. However I have no idea how to assign the images to the individual entities/services…

this is part of my config:

  - type: image
      action: call-service
      service: light.toggle
        entity_id: light.yeelight_office_nightlight
        'on': /local/assets/light_bulb_on.png
      action: call-service
      service: light.toggle
        entity_id: light.yeelight_office
       'on': /local/assets/light_bulb_on.png
    image: /local/assets/light_bulb_off.png

the state-image tags nested under the action types do not seem to do anything. is it possible to achieve this?