Picture-elements state

I try to figure how I can show 6 different png considering the day of collecting my garbage, recycling, and compost.
Garbage and recycling 1 wednesday every 2 week
Compost every week thursday

What I try to do it th day before show image of my recycling 1’ in front of the others
And when it wednesday, change the image
in for one of the 2 images where the compost bin is advanced, but depending on the current week, (recycling or trash).

Make a template sensor that is based on day of the week. Such as 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday or you can do the day names and then use that sensor as the condition in your picture-element

Maybe I’ m not clear, the recycling and trash are 1 wednesday every 2 week but not but each their Wednesday, not at the same time.
So from Friday to Monday the image shows my 3 alligned bins, on Tuesday the image shows the recycling or waste bin (depending on which passes this week) move forward, on Wednesday, we replace the image keeping the status of the recycling or waste bin, but also moving forward
the compost bin.
I use garbage_collection integration to create de template of the day…
My problem is on the image state, when I have 2 conditions!

something like that:
If A =1 show image 1
If B =1 show image 2
If A =0 & C = 1 show image 3
If B =0 & C = 1 show image 4
If A =0 & C > 1 show image 1
If B =0 & C > 1 show image 2
If C =0 show image 5
If A >1 & B >1 & C >1 show image 6

Are these binary? Are there any other possibility, do you want an else for other possibilities or is the all >1 the else?

Are these exclusive events or can they be shown together?

Are these large background images or images that can go on top of another image?

it a Sensor, not bynary that what I have in my config .yaml

  - name: "Déchet" 
    frequency: "every-n-weeks"
    collection_days: "wed"
    expire_after: '11:00'
    period: 2
    first_week: 2
    first_month: "jan"
    last_month: "dec"
  - name: "Recyclage"
    frequency: "every-n-weeks"
    collection_days: "wed"
    expire_after: '11:00'
    period: 2
    first_week: 1
    first_month: "jan"
    last_month: "dec"

  - name: "Baque brun" 
    frequency: "weekly"
    collection_days: "thu"
    expire_after: '11:00'
    first_month: "apr"
    last_month: "nov"

It exclusive, all 6 possibility have her own images, and it a full card Image,
Not finish but look like it…
2021-08-20 14-22-09 2021-08-20 14-23-08
Just dont know how to change the image with that logical:
If A =1 show image 1
If B =1 show image 2
If A =0 & C = 1 show image 3
If B =0 & C = 1 show image 4
If A =0 & C > 1 show image 1
If B =0 & C > 1 show image 2
If C =0 show image 5
If A >1 & B >1 & C >1 show image 6

type: picture-elements
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.recyclage
    attribute: days
    unit: Jours
      top: 12%
      left: 89%
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.baque_brun
    attribute: days
    unit: Jours
      top: 6%
      left: 89%
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.dechet
    attribute: days
    unit: Jours
      top: 18%
      left: 89%
  - type: state-icon
    entity: sensor.dechet
    icon_size: 35px
    icon_color: black
    attribute: days
    unit: Jours
    hide_date: true
      top: 18%
      left: 85%
  - type: state-icon
    entity: sensor.recyclage
    icon_size: 35px
    icon_color: green
    hide_date: true
    attribute: days
    unit: Jours
      top: 12%
      left: 85%
  - type: state-icon
    entity: sensor.baque_brun
    icon_size: 35px
    icon_color: orange
    hide_date: true
    attribute: days
    unit: Jours
      top: 6%
      left: 85%
name: Poubelle
image: /local/poubelle_verte.png
pannel: true

And yes I know my icon colors doesn work… :expressionless:

Make a blank image to be the background, color does not matter since it will be covered the whole time, just make it the same dimensions.

This is what you want:

look good!
should the image be opaque or it can be transparent?

It doesn’t matter. It can be a picture of Donald Trump if you like.
The other pictures will cover him up anyways. (unless his head is too big)

it would indeed be much too big !! not sure it can fit on my screen!
Thank you I will try to transfer everything for my application!

I will use a transparent background, my png files don’t have a background so, I will see the ugly face of Donald on the side of my trash can…