Again I’m reaching the end of my knowledge and understanding…
I’m trying to rebuild my smartphone for my people lovelace in an abstract way to get a handy way to change or - in this part - toggle different states of my mobile.
To start I want to have an image showing me the current ringer_mode AND the option to tap_action that image to toggle between the three different modes (normal, vibrate, silent).
I got the first part and can show the different states and I got one third of the second but as I’m able call the service to change the ringer_mode to ONE other state.
type: picture-elements
image: /local/Icons/pixel4xl.png
- type: image
entity: sensor.pixel_4_xl_ringer_mode
silent: /local/Icons/silent.png
vibrate: /local/Icons/vibrate.png
normal: /local/Icons/normal.png
top: 11%
left: 20%
width: 15%
action: call-service
service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_4_xl
message: command_ringer_mode
title: normal
The next step should be a template to change the states of the ringer_mode depending on the actual state at the moment. This is what I tried and what didn’t work.
type: picture-elements
image: /local/Icons/pixel4xl.png
- type: image
entity: sensor.pixel_4_xl_ringer_mode
action: call-service
service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_4_xl
message: command_ringer_mode
title: '{% if is_state('sensor.pixel_4_xl_ringer_mode', 'normal') %} vibrate {% elif is_state('sensor.pixel_4_xl_ringer_mode', 'vibrate') silent %} {% elif is_state('sensor.pixel_4_xl_ringer_mode', 'silent'), normal {%endif %}'
silent: /local/Icons/silent.png
vibrate: /local/Icons/vibrate.png
normal: /local/Icons/normal.png
top: 11%
left: 20%
width: 15%
Would be great if somebody could push me in the right direction!