Picture Entity Change in 2024.8 broke dashboard

I’m having some trouble with this recent change:

I use a picture entity with a picture of a vehicle to fire off some actions when pressed (open garage door, start car, etc). The picture entity has a state filter which dims the photo when the driver is not home. This has worked well until the change above where now the person photo overrides the “image:” tag. Ultimately the photo of the car has been replaced by the photo of the person.

          - show_state: true
            show_name: true
            camera_view: auto
            type: picture-entity
            entity: person.person1
            image: /local/car.jpg
              not_home: brightness(30%) saturate(0.2)
            name: Car - Leaving Home

Any way to undo this change or get it to respect the image data?

I’d imagine this change is undesirable for others who don’t necessarily want the person image. If an image is provided, that should override the entity image IMO.

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Thanks, that is indeed my issue. Unfortunately it would appear the person who made the change has not responded. I’ll follow up there.

Let us hope he will respond and issue a fix.

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