Picture-Entity with State_Filter


Is it possible to get working the state_filter (like for image element type)?
I would like to be able setting the saturation of the picture to 0 when device tracker is not at home, for example:

- type: picture-entity
  entity: device_tracker.3456676888e434444555321bef087b
  image: /local/images/device_tracker/device.jpg
    "not_home": brightness(80%) saturate(0.1)
    "home": brightness(100%) saturate(1)

Just create a second image setup how you want it and use state_image

No, it’s lame. Maybe with old UI it was the workaround, but with lovelace using state_filter pushing it to the different level…

Um… well lame or not it will give you the exact same functionality

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Applying filters to the images with photoshop and managing different files for several states it’s definitely not the same functionality of applying css styling…

What is the latest way of doing this in HA 100 or 101?

Hasn’t changed. Use what @PeteCondliffe said

Edit: if you want to use css, use the custom card, card-mod. You’ll need css knowledge though.

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Thanks @petro I’ll go the two-versions-of-picture route.