I’ve a picture glance card showing the streaming video channel of an Imou camera.
That type of cam has a glitcth, the HD video stream is shown perfectly in 16:9 aspect ratio, while the SD stream is shown in 4:3 ratio, but the resolution is the same as 16:9, so I get a vertical stretched view (yea, it’s good if you want to look slim and tall )
The glitch happens on VLC too, so it’s not a failoure of Home Assistant.
But in VLC, I can force the 16:9 ratio, and the video gets the right view.
In picture glance card, there’s the aspect ratio setting, so I set it to 16:9, and it works… but… it crops the image, it doesn’t stretch/srink it. So I get a vertical stretched video cropped of the bottom portion.
A setting to tell picture glance card to crop or stretch/srink the image/video to match the aspect ratio you set, will be helpful.