Picture glance Card: change of Camera stream orientation not permanent

I have a Reolink W430 camera configured in a Picture glance card based on Reolink integration.

When clicking on the camera stream and then the settings icon there is a dropdown menu: “Camera stream orientation”.
This provides the choice between: Mirror, Rotate 180, Flip, Rotate left, Rotate right.

If I choose any of them the stream changes orientaion for about 1 second and then falls back to standard orientation.

The orientation changes for about a second when:

  • opening the dashboard with the Picture glance card
  • clicking on the camera image in the Picture glance card to view the stream with more features

Would be perfect to have the orientation changed permanently according to the selected option.
I would like to use “Rotate left”. Mirror and Flip are provided by the camera itself, but not “Rotate left” nor “Rotate right”.

Does anyone know of that behaviour and is there a solution to it ?


Not useful for you so much but I am having the same issue!