Picture-glance: customize action for each single entity

Default action for entities in picture-glance is more-info, and it is not possible to customize it.

It would be useful to be able to do that as it is possible in the glance card; particularly, in my user case I have a picture-glance that displays the feed from a camera, and I would like to integrate PTZ controls in the picture-glance.

I would be able to use a single click to activate the PTZ control directly.

post this into feature-requests

This is possible. Take a look at the documentation:

  action: toggle

EDIT: Should clarify that it’s not possible to change the action on a per-item basis. This tap action is for the total image. If that’s the functionality you are looking for, create a Feature Request.


Yes, probably I haven’t been clear enough, what I would like to do is change that on a per-item basis.

Digging around, it should be possible to do that with picture-elements, even if it would be a little bit complicated.

Still, I think it would be a nice addition to picture-glance card, and it would be consistent with glance card.

Sorry for posting in the wrong section, will post under features. Thank you!

I agree, i’d like this feature myself. Whenever you make the request, you’ll have my vote.

Same here, I just voted.

For anyone who wants this feature, please vote here.