Picture Glance state_image not configured correctly

Yes. Okay. It’s quite weird because I cannot edit the entries in the UI. But glad that it’s only a warning! :slight_smile:

Another weird thing. I replaced the images with new ones (other file name), I edited the yaml files. I copied the same block for another card. The first keeps showing the old picture (like it’s cached) and the second block doesn’t load the correct ones. I restarted, rebooted, emptied the history. Nothing.
It’s also weird because it seems that it cannot find the group I made. As if it fails to update :confused:

Where are things like ‘grayscale’ documented? I don’t get any results when I search home-assistant documentation.

While typing this out I found the docs by going to picture glance > state_filter attribute, which takes you to docs for CSS filter. Hope this helps someone else in the future :slight_smile: