Pilight woes: UI not updating and error in clarus protocol support

New to HA so likely an operating error, but I am stuck for now.
Looking to switch from OpenHAB and have most of my (limited) configuration up and running; however I seem to have trouble with RF controlled switches. I am running a pilight server and have installed the platform and switches on HA successfully. I need two protocols, elro_800 and clarus.

  • The elro works as expected, except that the UI does not update if I use a remote control; I would have expected HA to pick up and show the change in status when using pilight.
  • the clarus switch seems to require an id value that is composed of a letter and a number (https://wiki.pilight.org/doku.php/clarus) but HA allows integers only; without the id the switch does not react

Would anyone have some info or ideas? Thanks much!

[edited as I accidentally posted unfinished post]

It is only picked up if you define what has to be picked up in on_code_receive and off_code_receive

Having alphanumerical ids is not supported yet. But a patch is finished and likely this feature is in the next release.

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