PING component stopped working

Since I updated to HASS.IO v 0.89.0 my ping device trackers aren’t showing up. I don’t see any error messages or get any configuration warnings. Nothing has changed in that department, but for some reason the entities that were there for ping to my cell phone are just missing. I have searched and not found anything relevant. Any one else having an issue like this or have any ideas how to troubleshoot.

I am running HASS.IO in docker on an Ubuntu headless server in a VMWare guest machine. This is the configuration section.


  • platform: ping

I just added two hosts to my config, hostone and hosttwo. Hostone is available and hosttwo does not respond to pings.
I think the entity will only show up in home assistant once it was reachable via ping.

Try to confirm this by restarting your home assistant while you have your phone open (Watch a youtube video for example)

They show up as away when ping doesn’t reach them but I am sure even when they are on the network and active the system is not finding them now suddenly. I use this in conjunction with other trackers but this was the most reliable way to see if I was home. I have restarted HA many times both with phone active and not active.

I guess you have hardcoded IP or a DHCP lease reservation? If not, maybe they picked up a different IP from your DHCP server?

That would be my next guess.

I am very sure after this ,or the update before this has changed.
If the phone was not pingable when hass started, the device will not show up.

They absolutely should have been pingable at startup though I suppose i could run a ping test as I start up hass next time to make sure. Yes, they have dhcp reservations so the IP addess doesn’t change.

OK just got back home from vacation and tried this. I started a ping from the server running HASS to my phone and then I restarted HASS. I still see no devices for the phone even though it was pingable the entire time. I also still have no error messages.

Anyone have any ideas or know how to find logs that might help?

Hi Team,

I am having the same issue! @christcb did you solve this?

Not yet. Still don’t have any leads.

I deleted everything out of my Known_Devices.yaml and let it rebuild. After doing this the ping trackers showed up again. No idea why this happened but it looks good now.

Tried the delete thing, still no joy