Ping integration stopped working

I have a binary sensor that is no longer receiving any data from ping.
It used to work fine, and I have several other host that were being pinged regularly. for some reason now it’s all “Unknown”

  - sensor:
      - name: "latency dns"
        unique_id: "ltncdns"
        state: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dns', 'round_trip_time_avg') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "ms"
        state_class: measurement


any idea what it might be? the hosts are pingable.

What does the binary_sensor.dns show in the developer tools?



Where is the attribute called round_trip_tine_avg?

Did you miss a breaking change at some point?

Looks like it unluckily,

it says they can be enabled on the UI but I don’t know how, any idea?

Add integration and find ping?
And maybe repeat if you want more.

I don’t see that option anywhere

It looks like you already have the integration included and set up.
Look at what entities are available and correct your template sensor.

omg, finally, that wasn’t easy to understand for me, thanks a lot
